Google is moving beyond studying search phrase inquiries to studying conversations and “interestingness,” by analyzing whether response data are insightful, unexpected or witty. Next Q: where can remote workers meetup to actually have these casual yet essential conversations in hybrid work environments?
I’ve been learning about this fascinating field of “Conversation Design,” (like building the intelligence behind those bots that try to answer our questions on websites). It seems to me at some point these interesting, well-versed bots may play a role in helping disenfranchised remote workers connect with one another. If a bot gets to converse with you enough, perhaps it will help make connections across the company's slack channel etc.
Until then, I think platforms like SpatialChat have better solutions to help remote workers converse and connect (at least until the bot become the most popular guy at the water cooler).
If you are interested in learning more about Conversation AI, I’ve heard this is a great book, (have not read it yet). “The Age of Invisible Machines” by Robb Wilson. (Photo from Markus Benedikt LinkedIn Feed)